The Main Storyline is actually the tutorial for this game and it does explain a lot of things in the tutorial section of the website. However, it doesn’t go in-depth, as it is just meant to be an overview of where things are and what they do. Therefore, I have created a new toon to record each chapter and talk you through the game.
Table of Contents:
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three
- Chapter Four
- Chapter Five
- Chapter Six
- Chapter Seven
- Chapter Eight
- Chapter Nine
Chapter One
In Chapter One, you are creating your character and beginning your journey on Second Galaxy. While you select a faction and pilot type at the start, it does not affect you at all in the game. This is just a starting research and point allocation. However, you will need to reset your points or create a different academy plan eventually because spreading points out is not a good idea at all. You will find as I am flying my ship that I show the way to check your shields, resistances, weapon range, etc.
Chapter Two
In Chapter Two, you are starting to build your ship hangar and work through the main plotline. You will notice when I do the encounter that I ignore the NPCs coming in. This encounter’s goal is to kill the warehouse. You will want to keep moving and change the target back to the warehouse when it flips. Once the warehouse is destroyed, the NPCs automatically disappear. I do flip through much of the chat slowly to give you a chance to read, as some of this storyline is found in questions by Smart Lopez in the wormhole later in the game for better buffs and rewards. Finally, you will begin to work on your academy, skills, and implants … but much of this will change as you start farming implants and working your pilot style.
Chapter Three
In Chapter 3, we begin to expand our ships and changing of ammunition. The first is the licensing. At the very beginning of the video, you will notice that I use my mouse to circle where to look for which ships are admitted for the mission. In this destroyer license, I must use an NEF Frigate to take the first destroyer license. Before you take your licenses, look at the admission section to see what ships are necessary. It is also telling me to eliminate the ship that is debuffing me first. You will notice that I target the immobilizer because there is a debuff line going from that ship to mine. I also click on the debuff/buff icons to see how that ship is interfering with me.
This is also when you will join a corporation. Believe it or not, corporations CANNOT invite you in. The notification you saw pop up on the bottom right is done by the game. You have not actually received and invite. You will want to use the method I show:
- Click 3 Line menu
- Select Corp
- Search Alias
- ATLS – English main corp for Red Star, heavy PvP
- Family – AAO, REAP, UTC0 (Spanish speaking)
- ETNL – English secondary corp for Red Star, mix PvP & PvE
- Family – Etnl, XTNL, FTNL, HDRA, EDEN
- CREW & SYND – English-speaking but quieter corporations. Mainly PvE
- Russian-Speaking:
- Chinese-Speaking:
- Misc:
- DBL – Japanese
- KAL – Korean
- ATLS – English main corp for Red Star, heavy PvP
Chapter Four
Chapter Four is when things begin to get a little more complex with the storyline. You will be learning how to do explorations and getting recruits. Unfortunately, my screen does not show exactly where you find the exploration cases, it just takes you straight to them. They are in the miscellaneous section of the warehouse, under Misc. Finally, at the end of the video, you will notice that I do not have enough experience to quite finish chapter 4, so I ran a reputation task. I cover reputation tasks and recruits in-depth in other areas of this website, so I won’t talk much about them here. However, I will state that the tutorial auto loads your recruits during the main plot, so make sure the scientist is in the first wingman slot so you will have a healer helping you. In addition, notice that I switch my recruit from “attack” to “defense,” because I want my recruit to stay with me … not wander off.
Chapter Five
The first part of Chapter Five covers the main plot missions and guides. A lot more of your base opens up in this chapter and you will want to start working on your research. While I do not show this during my tutorial, the focus should be on your engineering and t1 license requirements. Be careful how much research you do before you are in a corporation where you can claim corp points. You want to be able to purchase blue recruit contracts and begin building up your recruits. Wormholes are introduced at level 14, but they are too complex for just a brief overview. Just know there are different sites that work similar to encounters in space, then you can move into more difficult chains for better loot and experience, and then there is the exit.
You will also notice that this is when I start building my t2 implants and working my academy. Do not use Ir to speed up your decryption, it is not worth it at all. Quick note while doing battles, allow your wingman to help you out but the faster you move, the less the NPCs can hit you. You will notice that I keep my ship in an orbit and moving.
The second half of Chapter Five is dealing with the shortage of experience to hit level 17. The easiest way to solve this problem is by doing your reputation tasks. If you struggle with doing the battle missions, forfeit them and work only on the other mission types. There are plenty of tasks available, and you can move around to other reputation stations. Simply hit “later” instead of “accept” on the task and then relocate. Now, when you do forfeit a task, you will have to wait one hour before you can forfeit another task.
Chapter Six
In the recording of Chapter 6, I only have recorded to the end of the main plot missions. You will still have to accumulate another 10-11k experience. This can be done thru running reputation tasks or wormhole runs. I prefer the reputation tasks because they are less stamina. However, wormholes will provide more experience for the stamina used.
In this video, you will notice that I begin completing research to allow me to do the license tests necessary to fly my ships. Each faction and tier of ship has the same research, just different quality, ship type, and weapon type is needed.
- Frigs:
- Faction specific frig
- Small faction specific weapon
- Weakness Protection
- Processor
- Reactor
- Armor Repair Capability
- Destroyer:
- Faction specific destroyer
- Weakness Detection
- Weakness Strike
- Shield Management
- Shield Management
- Energy Management
- Screen Enhancement
- Cruiser:
- Faction specific cruiser
- Medium faction specific weapon
- Shield Recharge
- Energy Recharge
- Thermal Resistance
- Warp Engine Operation
- Battlecruiser:
- Faction specific battlecruiser
- Large faction specific weapon
- Shield Boost
- Energy Recovery
- Acceleration
- Kinetic Resistance
- Battleship:
- Faction specific battleship
- Faction specific booster
- Faction specific range
- Shield modification
- EM Resistance
- Propulsion Enhancement
Chapter Seven
In Chapter 7, you will enter the PvP arena levels. PvP opens as soon as you hit level 23, and to complete Chapter 7, you will need to reach pilot level 24. You will notice in this chapter, they do not inform you which ship you will need to start one of the main plots, but it is cruiser. Therefore, I recommend to start your license research and unlocking your bigger ships. I have constructed the Centurion (NEF battlecruiser) for one of the previous missions and placed it in my hangar.
This tutorial briefly covers raids and how to drop raid probes. However, they do not tell you that dropping raid probes in green systems (high security) will only land you NPCs, or that dropping them in yellow systems (low-security) will result in the CSF police interfering with your raid. The police will null you, SD null you, prop jam, and deal extremely high dps to kill you. Finally, you will receive a criminal status that can only be cleared by performing reputation tasks or encounters. Side note – if your criminal status gets high enough, the police can hunt you in the green systems!
You will finish the main plots for this chapter with only pilot level 22, so you will need to obtain a lot more experience to finish the chapter. I suggest running wormholes at this point because you will receive more experience for stamina spent. Just remember, that once you are level 23, other pilots can kill you on any mission, including wormhole runs. This video is a lot longer, so I ended it with hitting level 23 after a wormhole run.
Chapter Eight
We’re finally nearing the end of the tutorial. However, this is when we begin to learn to start grinding more experience on our own. Scanning is introduced in Chapter 8, but the game does not explain it much. Therefore, I have shown very briefly in this video how it is done on a free t1 ship, but we do have an in-depth guide on scan missions! From here out, the best way to start grinding experience is to work your weekly Badge missions, running wormholes, doing encounters, and reputation tasks.