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Reputation quests seem like they should be easy enough to do, but some of them take a little more information. However, once you figure them all out, you’ll find yourself breezing through your reps each week!

Benefits of Reps

Let’s start at the beginning, why do you need to do rep quests? We have seen the blueprints available, but is that all there is to it? Obviously not, since I’m still writing and you’re still reading. One of the biggest benefits, outside of the blueprints, is the ability to buy commodities at a cheaper price when you increase your trust with a faction. These commodities then are sold for Pan Gala, which is used in the Marketplace. We will discuss that in another section, but in short … your goal is to make Pan Gala using minimal Gala and turn around to get items to make a lot of Gala!

The best part of rep quests is they only require 10 stamina. This means you can get a lot done with the limited amount of stamina you have available, even if you’re a free-to-play player.

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The Basics

When you start, you are neutral in every nation. You will need to run reps to raise your trust level so that you can get the commodities cheaper. The first 20 reps you do will give you rep exp and merit points, then you get to collect a bonus. However, you can keep running reps after 20 (which is advised during rep week because you get double the rewards) and you will still get merit points and pilot experience! As you gain rep experience, you will sign agreements that give you bonuses to the base value.


There are many types of rep quests. We’re going to go through each type and how to do each one. For every mission, except the Commissions, I use a t1 frigate with a cloaking device and energy recovery augmentors. The Commission missions will require you to use whatever ship that agent requires (see our Rep Station List), but it is open on the photographs and data collection.

Data Collection Missions

One of the most common missions are data collection. You will have to find radius of stars, gravity of planets, and different types of planets. With all of the data collection missions, you will need to stay in station and pull up your map to start. Inside each station you will see a list with the space station, wormholes (if there is one present in that system), star gate(s) to adjacent systems, the star (sun), and then a list of planets.

Radius of Star (Sun)
Gravity of Planet
Planet Type
Total Number Planets

On the map, you’ll see the planets have numbers beside them. You’ll need to go to a planet in a system that has as many planets that corresponds to the mission.

This mission will need you to find a system that has 6-8 planets so you’ll need to see at least System Planet VI and no more than System Planet VIII.

Submitting Your Data

When you warp to the planet or star that meets the criteria, you’re ready to submit. You’ll need to pull up your ops menu, select collect on the rep mission, and then hit collect for it to scan the area for a match. This is a good time to cloak your ship if you can because you will no longer be able to watch the system count!

Photograph Missions

There are two types of photograph missions. The first is the easiest because you just interact with the mission and it will ask you for which ship you want to take. The other type involves finding a wormhole. You will need to be in the full solar map. In the lower right hand corner you’ll find a menu, open it and you will see the Wormhole Level. This will guide you to the system that has a wormhole in it, where you can warp to it with your t1 ship and photograph it upon arrival.

The photographing is another instance where you’ll want to cloak because you will not be able to see system count. I have the steps pictured below on where to find the camera for the photograph.

Submission Missions

Some agents require you to submit produced ammo (generally Agents 1 and 2, and the items are t1 in the mall). However, some will require you to submit blueprints. It is best if you do not spend your merit points until you have completed all the reps you plan to do, just in case you need to purchase some of the blueprints from the merit store. There is no guarantee you will find them in the Trading Post or roll the correct blueprint in development.

Commission Missions

Okay, let’s talk about the Commission Missions. In many cases, we will advise you to forfeit these quests. They often take extra time to do, and unless you are in in a high sec system … you’re susceptible to PvP. If you do decide to run them, make sure you are always watching the system count and fit your ship as cheaply as you can. Agents 1 and 2 can easily be done in a t1 ship. Agents 3 can as well, as long as you have a solid wingman with you to assist. Agent 4 will generally need a t2 ship because you are facing t3 NPCs, but it can be done with t2r1 equipment on it. Remember to never fly what you can’t afford to lose.

You will notice the word of caution for the “Extra Rewards.” These rewards require you to have your ship fit in such a way that the rating on your ship is at or above a certain level. To meet those requirements, it often means you will need to fit high-quality items on your ship … which makes you better targets for the enemy. Remember, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Those extra rewards aren’t worth anything if you get shot down.

These missions will run the same way an encounter does, so hit “go” and complete the commission to get your reward.