v0.2.6 – Galaxy Map & Shares

This patch brings a number of changes and improvements to the galaxy map aimed to make important data easier to see and clearly define the boundaries between systems to illustrate faction ownership. Additionally, the share system has been added to the game as well, representing the ownership of player built space structures.

Galaxy Map Changes

  • Updated factions overlay to show clear definition of system boundaries without overlapping cells.
  • Display colonised (but not faction owned) systems in grey.
  • Boundary lines are shown and can be toggled on or off
  • Display faction name on hover over any owned or colonised system.
  • Moved galaxy map controls to bottom right of screen so they are not hidden by left side slide out panels.
  • Colony Markers
    • Added markers for your colony locations on the map with a green house icon.
  • Job Markers
    • Added various flag icons to the map to indicate different jobs states…
    • Job flags will show the flag colour for their job track type (so, yellow, blue and later red)
    • The start location flag has a hollow center (e.g., for hauling = pickup location, for scanning = system to scan)
    • The drop off location flag is a solid color.
    • The start location flags will be removed once the cargo is fully picked up or the scan has been taken for the location.


  • Shares have been added to the game and can be seen at the bottom of the hold or location cargo (and in Stored Assets).
  • New Market category for selling (and buying) shares.
  • Shares are now given to the placer of a new space structure (100k shares) for you to do as you please with.
  • 5% of station transactions will be shared amongst all share holders for the locations – transactions include refuelling, maintenance and market fees, these are paid daily in one large transaction per station you have shares in (so your bank transactions don’t show a bazillion little transactions).
  • +25% Credit payments for transport jobs that either start or finish outside of safe (in this case) government space.
  • +15% Credit payments for all scan jobs.
  • The Profile tab now shows the total credits a character has.
  • If you lose or delete the shares the remaining holders will get more.. if all are deleted.. tough. Later you will be able to find these in salvage.

Other Changes

  • Warehouse space increased to 25k to 250k.
  • Refinery refining amount increase from 5 to 25.


  • Fixed slide out hex icon not re-enabling the click when closed using the icon.
  • Fixed issue when an error was incorrectly showing on ship commission dialogue (on successful completion of a ship commissioning).
  • Fixed issue whereby the Stored Assets wouldn’t show the evolution information for BPs or Ship Parts correctly.
  • Fixed issue where commodities on a ship wouldn’t be removed at a colony when fulfilling demands (but the demand would still be fulfilled).
  • Added space at the bottom of the hold and ship cargo, to enable splitting of shares.
  • Fixed bug where connections could be closed in error while reloading the page or returning before character de-spawn.
  • Fixed bug where impossible change in destination resulted in server crash.
Categories: Patch Notes


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