Released April 29, 2024

v0.2.0 – Combat, Fixes and Enhancements.

This patch introduces combat to the basic game along with a load of enhancements (based on Pre-Alpha testing suggestions) and bug fixes (for items found in the testing phases).


  • Combat is prohibited in government space… you can’t even target people… but outside it’s a free for all!
  • The in space HUD has been updated to include new combat related items, including:
    • Weapon slot views, with SNG (Single Shot) and CON (Continuous Fire)
    • Target Lock information (who you have locked) and whether you’re LOCKed as well.
    • PDT and SHLD buttons to activate PDTs (which try to shoot any incoming missiles or torpoedos) and SHLDs (which try to shield any incoming laser fire).
    • New Bar displays including SHLD (to show shielding available, when activated), HULL (to show hull integrity) and POWR (to show power output available).
  • Weapons and Munitions
    • Weapons and Munitions can be bought on the market…
    • … Weapons must match the ship class they’re being fitted to AND be of the right size for the slot they will be fitted to (Small, Medium or Large slots)…
    • … check the ship hull for the ship you’re piloting to see what slots are available.
    • You will also find that some weapons have munition requirements too:
      • Missile and Torpedo launchers require missiles and torpoedos and feature target tracking technologies
      • Railguns need railgun munitions
      • Coilguns (PDTs) require coilgun munitions
      • Energy weapons require available power
    • Munitions come in specific sizes to fit the weapon they go into (limited to the weapon size, rather than the ship size).
    • TOP TIP: Make sure you load your ammunition into the weapon before departing … it’ll give you more space in your cargo to transport other goods. You can only load ammunition into a weapon that is already present in your ship cargo.
  • Updated System Explorer
    • New “Target” icons can be found next to Sensor Contacts in the system explorer.
  • Updated Tactical Map
    • Ships that you are hostile towards in a system, or are hostile to you, will be marked in red
    • You can also see missiles in system too (red denoting that they’re hostile missiles)
  • Combat Logs
    • Basic Combat logs are shown top right of the screen (where docking/undocking/etc. notifications are shown…
    • … in depth logs are found in the combat logs, bottom left of the chat window.


  • Government Space:
    • Created 25% more government systems
    • Created new hubs that will move people away from the center and to provide trade outposts for new colonies.
  • Ship Parts:
    • General Wear and Tear increased x10
    • Ensured the order of item properties is the same every time, wherever you look at a part.
    • Reduced maintenance costs (divided by 5).
    • Prevent accepting a coupling request if another move has started since the request was sent.
    • Disable hex command menu items and system explorer action buttons when any manoeuvre is in progress (including coupling).
    • Improved autopilot route finding for destination point when moving to and fixed stellar body or structure. Update algorithm finds a point on the same side of the object as the play approaches from it minimize travel times (effective from system explorer and space scape hex menu).
  • Level:
    • Increased XP requirements post Level 10 per level.
  • Market:
    • Can now cancel market sales
    • Added another resource sub drop down to filter between refined and unrefined resources.
    • Hulls are split into their own subjection now.
    • Weapons and Munitions have their own subsections to make searching easier.
    • Can now search/filter for specific blueprint types
  • General UI:
    • Tool tips have been added to a large number of areas of the game interface…
    • … they can be disabled in the options.
  • System Explorer:
    • Search now added to the system explorer, to make finding things in system easier.
  • Jobs and Reputation System:
    • New reputation system added to the game, higher reputation at a station will increase the number of jobs available… likewise, lower reputation will reduce the number available
    • Cancelling jobs is now possible … but cancelling a job will mean that the reputation at the job provider will reduce.
  • When undocking or arriving in a system…:
    • Automatically open the system explorer panel.
  • Colony:
    • Refinery shows available resources in the colony at the top of the list
    • Colonies no longer available in government space
    • Research now enabled at Colonies
  • Blueprints:
    • Manufacturing time now shown on blueprints – and is taken into account when manufacturing goods
    • Evolution of a blueprint (the number of times it has been improved) shown on blueprint details… and parts that have been manufactured
    • Blueprint copying enabled


  • Ensured there are no duplicate station names anywhere
  • Flatpack distances on the market now show correctly.
  • Partial name searching works correctly now (across all market types).
  • WSMS-SS Drive blueprint has been fixed.
  • Fixed original time set up for a colony command center.
  • Colony power available no longer takes into account reactors that are being constructed.
  • Fixed cargo split, so it works at colonies correctly now.
Categories: Patch Notes


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